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Bijgewerkt op: 12 feb. 2019

De ABU publiceerde een "whitepaper" in het Engels over de rol van uitzendorganisaties in werkmigratie plus de trends en voorspellingen voor de komende jaren.

Het gehele artikel en whitepaper werd geschreven door de ABU en kunt u vinden middels deze link.

Labour market intermediaries play a crucial role in efficiently bringing together supply and demand in the European labour market. This is precisely why more than a quarter of European workers in the Netherlands find a job through such organisations. Not only do they make sure they hire the right people from abroad, they also organise much-needed facilities for labour migrants who only plan on working in the Netherlands on a temporary basis.

The flexible European labour mobility requires sound conditions, such as enough good accommodation, simple enrolment procedures, a welcoming business climate and being able to deal with malpractices, should they occur.

ABU International

The Netherlands is increasingly host to foreigners as temporary agency workers. Many of these so-called flex migrants are assisted by the almost 130 ABU members that are active in this area. These members, which include both specialists and generalists, come together in ABU International; a platform that makes it clear that ABU members stand for quality and reliability, even when it comes to labour migration issues.

What does the ABU do for labour migrants?

The ABU puts considerable efforts into the development of clear regulations, good accommodation, effective cooperation and strict enforcement. A few examples:

All ABU members are required to be SNA certified and follow the NEN 4400 guidelines;A number of basic requirements for good accommodation have been included in the Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers. ABU members are regularly audited concerning correct compliance of the CLA and the accommodation standards stipulated in the CLA.The ABU collaborated with the NBBU, LTO Nederland, PVV/PVE, FNV and CNV Vakmensen to establish the Stichting Normering Flexwonen (SNF, the Foundation for Flexible Housing Standards). SNF keeps a register of companies that are audited on a yearly basis regarding the accommodation standards for labour migrants.The ABU is a tireless advocate of additional government measures to tackle malpractices concerning accommodation for flex migrants.Specific provisions in the Collective Employment Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers

Accommodation and labour migrants

ABU members who work with labour migrants and provide their own accommodation locations for these migrants must satisfy the accommodation requirements set down in the Collective Labour Agreement for Temporary Agency Workers. Since 1 August, 2014, the ABU reviews whether its members comply with the accommodation standards through the Stichting Normering Flexwonen (SNF) accommodation certificate.

Stichting Normering Flexwonen (Foundation for Flexible Housing Standards)

The ABU is a founding member of Stichting Normering Flexwonen (SNF, Foundation for Flexible Housing Standards). The SNF keeps a register of companies that demonstrate compliance with the accommodation standards stipulated in the CLA. Companies listed in the SNF register are audited every year regarding compliance with the accommodation standards. For more information about the SNF or how to become SNF certified, please visit the SNF website.

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