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Hunderdthousand people are getting acces to the Dutch Job Market with a new translation-app

Searching work in a different language of when you have a language defficiency can be quite troubling. A new app hopes to break that barrièr and giving therefore access to those hunderdthousand people towards the job market


The article was written by Werf&, in Dutch, you can find it through this link.

In The Netherlands, only 11% of the refugees who arrived here in the last 3 years have found a job.

When the economic crisis hit The Netherlands and at it's peak we had an 11% of unemployment amongst younger people and the elder workforce there was a lot of commotion in the entire country. However, now, that only 11% of the refugees found a job after 3 years of being in The Netherlands, nobody talks about it. This has to change.

It's therefor that we created Hoooop. The multilingual voice driven job search and application app.

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